The Reviver of Kailasa
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam (JGM), His Divine Holiness (HDH) Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is the reviver of KAILASA – the ancient enlightened civilization, the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. HDH is an Avatar as per Hinduism and is the Supreme Pontiff (Jagadguru Mahasannidhanam) of Hinduism.
SPH has revived the science of power manifestation, Yoga and created temple based universities for humanity. The SOVEREIGN ORDER OF KAILASA led by SPH and the NITHYANANDA ORDER of monks, nuns and Hindu diaspora are working for global peace, and to give a super conscious breakthrough to humanity. NITHYANANDA HINDU UNIVERSITY (world’s largest Hindu University) with extended campuses in 150 countries is collecting, organizing, preserving, time-capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 million source books of Hinduism.
SPH is the 293rd Guru Mahasannidhanam of Shyamalapeeta Sarvajnapeetham (ancient apex body of Hinduism) and the present Emperor of Suryavamsa Surangi Samrajyam. SPH has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on His person and on His character by anti-Hindu elements. In just 16 years of public life, He has showered His contributions on humanity in the areas of science, technology, meditation, healing, health and wellness, yoga, medicine, education & lifestyle. More than 20 million people in 347 cities in 196 countries over 6 continents revere and follow His Holiness.
His Mission
His Divine Holiness Bhagwan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is giving a superconscious breakthrough to humanity, which is physically demonstrable through various power manifestations, scientifically measurable and stands the scrutiny of rational logic in hundreds and thousands of human beings around the globe. His Divine Holiness, as per Hinduism, is the Incarnation (Avatar) of Paramashiva – the all-pervading superconscious energy, the source and the original author of ‘VedaAgamas’, which are the Pure Science and Applied Science of Oneness (Advaita), Yoga, Enlightenment and Enlightened lifestyle. As the Vision documents for humanity, the VedaAgamas scientifically and systematically reveal all knowledge currents, ritual methodologies, lifestyle systems and Yogic sciences.
Guru Parampara (Royal Spiritual Lineage)

Devi Meenakshi


Chokkanathar Shivalinga





